Precision Farming Technologies

The Precision Farming Technologies (PFT) aims at improving productivity by using advancement in technologies viz Satellites, high precision positioning systems, smart sensors and high tech engineering.
Precision Farming is about managing variations in the field accurately to grow more food using fewer resources and reducing production costs.
Soil, weather, vegetation, water – vary greatly from place to place. And all these factors determine crop growth and farming success. Farmers have always been aware of this, but they lacked the tools to measure, map and manage these variations precisely. Thus, Precision Farming can make a difference to food production facing the challenge of a rising world population and can help farmers to achieve;
A) Greater Sustainability
B) Higher Productivity
C) Economic Benefits
D) Environmental Protection
We use tools such as Nutriwise®, PaddockWise© and Yield Prophet™ to ensure we give you the accurate advice.